JustWrite - Free WordPress Theme
JustWrite is freaking awesome. I used it to build out NetflixTonight and a few other great magazine style websites. It's got a ton of features and comes very well mobile-optimized and retina ready. I highly recommend this theme to anyone looking to get started blogging, creating forums, communities or online magazines. One of the best things about the theme is that it comes ready to integrate advertising into your website. All you need is the an ad account (Google Adsense) your API/IDs and you can drop them right into the widget areas to begin monetizing the website. Check out the work I did at NetflixTonight or read more about the theme below, sited from WordPress.org.
JustWrite is a theme with clean lines and an open-spaced design. The new features in v2.0: allows your to build your homepage’s layout and structure with 10 sections and 8 custom sidebar widgets. Included sections: Slider, 2 types of Masonry layouts, Recent posts from categories (2,3,4 columns), Advertising, Archives, Popular Posts. WooCommerce is available with JustWrite Pro.